Monday, October 24, 2011

Pipeline Cleaner

Pipeline cleaner:with 4 polyurethane bowls, DN1000. As photo.
series polyurethane or rubber cup electronic cleaning pig
...The tool configuration is made up of steel body / mandrel (stainless steel under DN250 ), electronic positioning launcher, polyurethane or rubber cups.

...It is used for light cleaning, air removal of pipeline prior to hydrostatic testing before commissioning. Media isolation of mix-transportation pipeline removes of natural gas, gas and other flammable gas in pipelines. It can clear the stones, tools and other debris left in the pipeline during construction. Cups, support discs and seal discs can be assembled into several configurations to meet most applications. Due to the unique design of the Pig, customization is quickly accomplished with simple hand tools to achieve the best option for your pigging application. The replaceable cups and discs make special configurations easy and its low cost gives users the option to dispose of or rebuild the pig after hard use.

...The Cleaning Pig features polyurethane which is designed to provide superior abrasion resistance. This new polyurethane means more miles and more runs at less cost.

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